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우리는 그것을 일치시킬 것입니다.글로벌 배송
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웰빙 대사가 서 있습니다 일주일에 7 일.쉬운 반환
환불 보증! 마음에 들지 마세요 그것? 다시 보내라!
Gourmet Kosher Celtic Sea Salt® Shaker Jar (8 oz)
Gourmet Kosher™ is distinctive in that it is specifically designed to be easy-to-use ingredient salt for innovative recipes and gourmet food. It also carries the quality, nutrition, and “no additive” values that will always bear the name Celtic Sea Salt®.
We selected this salt to better serve our gourmet centered chef and food producers customers.
- Very versatile for baking, cooking and directly on food.
- Delicate Salt Crystals for Diverse Applications
- Excellent for Gourmet and Culinary Chefs based on flavor and functionality of crystals
- Similar to the Fleur de Sel with more integrity in crystal structure offering a stronger crunch and ease of use
- Splendid moisture and mineral content supreme for all your culinary creation
- Crushes easily between your finger
- Dissolves easily in low to high temperatures
- Unrefined and raw
- Flavor is full and rich