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- Feel secure: Homeopathic Bach Aspen Flower Remedy replaces apprehension & vague fears with a sense of security & peace of mind
- Made with just 3 ingredients: Aspen essence, water & grape alcohol
- Doctor-developed liquid formula: made in England, vegan, natural plant-based active ingredients, safe & non-habit forming; no: artificial sweeteners or flavors, synthetic dyes, gluten, or major allergens
- Easy to use: take as a single remedy or create a blend of up to 7; Single Remedy: take 2 drops on tongue or add to drink & sip, repeat throughout the day; Remedy Blend: fill a mixing bottle 3/4 full of spring water, add 2 drops per remedy, take 4 drops of blend, 4x a day
Trusted worldwide for 85+ years: Bach Original Flower Remedies are a gentle, holistic system of 38-flower essence tinctures discovered by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930’s. Each flower essence corresponds to a different mental state to help ease distress from negative feelings & promote overall wellbeing. As the only brand endorsed with Dr. Bach's signature & only essence maker authorized by The Bach Centre in England, remedies are still made by hand-picking plants & flowers from his original sites & gardens.
Discover Bach Original Flower Remedies Aspen — a natural remedy designed to ease unknown fears and anxiety, promoting inner peace and confidence.
Active Ingredient: 5x Dilution of Aspen (Populus Tremula) HPUS. Inactive Ingredient: 27% Alcohol.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.