Holistic Wellness Tips to SPRING back into action!

Optimal health is a continuous process of seeking balance and harmony across all aspects of life. It involves setting realistic goals and making sustainable lifestyle changes. Small, incremental steps taken consistently over time can lead to significant improvements in health and well-being. So, if you’ve lost sight of the health goals you’ve set for yourself in the beginning of the year, now is the time to SPRING back into action. Here's what you can do:



Pay attention to what, when, why and how you eat:

  • What you eat: Focus on consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. It’s always a good idea to consider buying local organic fresh produce where possible. A quick online search will point you towards some great farm-to-table and or fresh market options in your area.
  • How you eat: Chewing on foods a little longer before swallowing will help promote proper digestion and can possibly lead to a reduction in heartburn and reflux related issues, as well as possibly reduce risk of airway issues.
  • Why you eat: whether you’re eating for muscle gain, fat-loss or maintaining a healthy steady goal-weight; practicing intermitted fasting or trying out reverse dieting, it’s important to have a plan and a clear understanding of how your eating habits influence what you’re trying to achieve.

Eliminate Plastics:

Recent studies have found that micro-plastics are now showing up in our bloodstreams and may be causing cardiovascular damage [1]. Data collected from more than 200 patients undergoing surgery found that almost 60% had microplastics or even smaller particles called nanoplastics in one of their main arteries. This is incredibly alarming since these tiny particles can have a negative impact on health by disrupting the endocrine system, causing reproductive harm, and may even lead to cancer. Plastics are everywhere we look and it might feel almost impossible to avoid them altogether, but using fabric shopping bags, glass and stainless steel water bottles and food containers are good ways to start. Buying less processed and packaged food will also result in less plastic that you interact with. Consuming water that is free of microplastics, hormones and fluoride is crucial for maintaining good health and can be one of the most impactful health changes you make. Investing in a good in-home water filtration or reverse osmosis system will benefit you and your family.

Regular Exercise:

Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine will most likely improve circulation, mobility, boost your mood, and support overall well-being. After age 30, we start to lose muscle and bone mass as well as collagen [2]. Weight training a few days a week will go a long way when trying avoid this. Find cardio activities you enjoy, whether it's walking, swimming, or dancing. NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), or your daily steps, also contribute significantly to your daily energy expenditure  [3]. Let's say you’re going to the gym for 1 hour every day but you sit at a desk for the next 9 hours -  this sedentary behavior is going to affect to your energy expenditure and ultimately your fat-loss goals! Having a step-goal can help you be more active throughout your entire day. Knowing which heart-rate zones to train in will also make a massive difference.

Quality Sleep:

Prioritize getting enough sleep each night by aiming for 7-9 hours for most adults. Create a relaxing bedtime routine, avoid screens before bed and overhead lights to ensure your sleep environment is comfortable and conducive to getting enough rest. Chronic sleep deprivation increases the risk of all chronic illness (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, etc.), harms mental health, decreases cognitive function, drops hormone production and increases cortisol [4].

Stress & Anxiety Management:

Practice stress-reducing techniques such as prayer, meditation, deep breathing exercises, journaling, or spending time in nature. Finding healthy ways to manage stress can support your mental and physical health. In today's busy, screen-dominant world, find some time to embrace silence and spend more time with loved ones. It's important to engage in social activities that can boost your mood and provide emotional support.


Remember that holistic health is about considering how all aspects of your life is linked to and affects one another and taking a comprehensive approach to wellness. Optimal health is not a fixed destination, but rather a journey of growth and positive change where one should rather strive to be consistently good than occasionally great.

Summer is around the corner. Take this time to SPRING back into healthy habits today!

10k daily stepsActive livingCollagenCollagen supplementsExerciseHealthHealthy foodHealthy livingImproved sleepNatural foodsOrganicStep-goalStress management

