Top 6 Liver Supplements You Should Know
The liver is the most important metabolic and detoxification organ in the human body. Due to its insensitive pain nerves, it is also called " the silent organ". The liver will only send out signals when the body is seriously unwell.
So it is vital to keep the liver healthy and let it play its due function.

What's the important role of the liver?

1. MetabolismThe liver is responsible for metabolizing sugar, fat, protein, and other substances to bring energy.

2. DetoxificationThe liver converts harmful substances produced during the body's metabolism into non-toxic or highly soluble substances and excretes them out of the body.
3. Synthesis and secretion of bile: The liver is responsible for synthesizing albumin, coagulation factors, and other essential substances for the human body.
4. ImmunityThe many phagocytes in the liver can resist the invasion of bacteria and other external substances into the human body to form protection.
5. StorageThe liver is the largest warehouse of glycogen and vitamins in the body. It stores and releases these substances to meet the needs of the body. It can also store iron for use in the production of red blood cells.
6. Regulation :The liver participates in regulating water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance, as well as the inactivation and metabolism of hormones.
7. Powerful self-repair abilityThe liver has an amazing regenerative ability. Even if it is damaged or partially removed, it can restore its original size and function under certain conditions.

Because the liver has so many important responsibilities in the human body, its health is directly related to the function and metabolic balance of the entire body. 

What are the best supplements for your liver?

Some health products are considered beneficial. They help protect and nourish the liver through different mechanisms. Here are some common health products that help liver health:

1. Milk Thistle

Milk thistle contains an active ingredient called silymarin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, can protect liver cells from toxins, and promotes liver cell repair and regeneration.

2. NAC

NAC plays an important role in the body's detoxification process. The liver and kidneys excrete drugs and other toxins from the body. NAC Supplements can speed up this breakdown process and help your organs work better.
The liver metabolizes alcohol in the human body, so drinking alcohol can harm the liver,Taking NAC before drinking can reduce alcohol damage to the liver. 

3. Turmeric

Curcumin is the main component of turmeric. This active ingredient can eliminate the effects of leptin, which is the main cause of cirrhosis. In addition, turmeric can help bile secretion, support the liver's detoxification process, prevent fat accumulation in the body, and restore liver function.

4. Probiotics

Probiotics can speed up the liver's metabolic detoxification function, allow toxins in the liver to be excreted from the body through metabolism, and maintain normal liver function and vitality.

5. Soy Lecithin

Lecithin is a lipid that helps the liver metabolize fat, reduces fat accumulation in the liver, and has an auxiliary effect on fatty liver. Lecithin also has the effect of sobering up and fully protecting liver cells.

6. Green Tea

Green tea has multiple benefits for liver health. It is rich in antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress and free radical damage, helping to maintain the health of liver cells. The catechins in green tea can reduce fat accumulation in the liver and reduce the occurrence of fatty liver.

The night is an important time for the liver to detoxify. If you don't rest at this time, the liver will be very tired and the detoxification function will also decline. Therefore, try not to stay up late, go to bed early, and get up early, so that the liver has enough rest time, Also avoiding excessive drinking, smoking, overeating, and exposure to harmful substances is essential to preventing liver disease and maintaining overall health.

DetoxLiverhealthMetabolismMilk thistleProbioticsTurmeric

