How to get to 10k steps per day?

Walking is one of the easiest, most inexpensive ways to get healthier and start moving more, but life is busy and not everyone has time to set aside for merely walking around, right?

Need some motivation? The DailyVita 10k-a-day October walking challenge is a great way to get into the habit of moving more and reaching that 10,000 daily steps —the magic number for health and longevity.

Sadly, the average American logs approximately half as much (about 5,117 steps) as the recommended amount of steps per day [1].

Reaching 10,000 steps per day has been proven to be extremely beneficial for boosting heart and brain health, regulating blood sugar levels to name but a few. (Check out our previous blogpost for more details on the health benefits of walking more than 8k steps per day).

But the reality is, life is busy and finding time to exercise can sometimes feel nearly impossible. So how do you reach that 10k-a-day step goal?? Well, the easiest way to complete a challenging task is to divide it into smaller, actionable steps. So, let’s break it down!

1) Sign up for a challenge to keep you accountable

What better to way to get moving towards a goal than to join a walking challenge with a group of like-minded people? And we've got just the challenge for you! Sign up HERE for our DailyVita 10k-a-day October Step Challenge. Entries close on 15 October 2023 and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Autism Hope Alliance.

2) Start your day with movement

How about a brisk morning walk to start off your day? Set your alarm to get up 20 minutes earlier than usual and hit the road, Jack! There's nothing like a brisk morning walk to kickstart your metabolism and leave you feeling and ready to conquer the day!

3) Implement walking meetings

We live in a world where we have more virtual meetings than in-person meetings, so why not refresh your approach? Next time you have a phone call or an online meeting, don't keep sitting at your desk - get up and take a walk! In-person meetings doesn't have to be seated either. Take a walking meeting with your colleague the next time you have an important matter to discuss. Your body will thank you, and the fresh air will boost your productivity and problem solving abilities.

4) Take an active lunch break

Say goodbye to lunches at your desk! Instead, make the most of your lunch break by getting in a quick stroll around the office building, the parking lot or the nearby park. Ask a work buddy to join and turn this into an opportunity to get to know your colleagues better. 

5) Prioritize post-meal walking

Instead of falling down on the couch in front of the TV after dinner, take a walk after dinner as a family or with your partner, your friend, your sibling, your dog or even on your own to clear your head after a busy day. Research suggests that going for a light walk after a meal - even for as little as two to five minutes - can improve your blood sugar levels and metabolism [2].

6) Park further away 

Purposefully parking your car further away from the entrance of the grocery store or restaurant or whatever your destination happens to be, will force you to walk a little bit more and get those extra steps in.

7) Take the stairs

This one seems obvious, but taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a great way to sneak some extra steps into your day and get that heart rate up for a brief minute.

8) Find an accountability buddy

Having someone to walk with can help you stay motivated and accountable to reach your 10k step-goal without it having to feel like a huge lift.

9) Get up from sitting

Make it a priority to get up and walk around for 5 minutes after every hour you spent sitting down. As a modern society, we spend way too much time sitting down. In fact, a recent study found that American adults aged between 20 to 75, spend approximately 9.5 hours sedentary each day! Let's change that!  [3]

10) Start slowly

If you're not up for a challenge just yet, that's okay - start slowly, especially if you're not used to walking much. Begin by aiming for 5,000 steps per day and gradually build that up over time until you're comfortable doing more. Consistency is the best way to build new habits - slow and steady always win the race!


Reaching 10,000 steps per day doesn't have to be a drag and living a busy life and maintaining a full schedule doesn't have to be a barrier to achieving your fitness goals. Follow our tips and make it fun by walking in a park, listening to music or a podcast or talking on the phone with a friend. And don't forget to celebrate your progress! Every step you take is a step in the right direction!


10k daily stepsActive livingExerciseHealthHealthy livingStep challengeStep countsStep-goalWalkingWalking challengeWeight lossWokout

